The role of medicinal plants has increased significantly in the recovery phase of the treatment, which begins with the third or fourth week of illness. The recovery phase (rehabilitation) of patients with post-MI takes a long time, and, of course, all the time, the patient can be maintained not only for pharmaceutical products. A method of use of medicinal plants is stenokardii.Chasche almost the same as in patients so common in healthy children and young adults identified with chronic heart failure and arrhythmias these young like paxil this ,. When adult respiratory arrhythmia may neurotic states, with a strong fatigue or recovery from a serious illness it occurs bolezni.Imenno for this reason it is very important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. "Every disease is easier to prevent than cure", as he once said, the greatest Russian doctors Mudrov.Pri periodontitis (gum disease) and tooth decay good use of propolis effect in the form of rinses (20 drops of 20 percent alcohol tincture of propolis boiled in a glass of water is room
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