Ruth Anna Spooner translates literature into her native American Sign Language.
About this poem, "Playing with the crazy number of internal rhymes in this poem and experimenting with how to show them visually in ASL."
From Ruth Anna:
I read. A lot.
And I write, too.
But I also enjoy translation.
More specifically, translating literature into American Sign Language, which is my native language.
Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, you name it.
These videos are my experiments in translating from a print language to a visual language.
Any translator will tell you that the task of translation is an exhilaratingly challenging one, and as a translator, you are never satisfied with what you've done. You always see a different way that you could do it, and I'm no exception.
Some of my translations I like, but others I want to redo someday. I'm always tinkering with them.
For now, though, here they are: my imperfect, thoughtful, and sometimes silly attempts at translation.
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