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, a beautiful skin. They are also considered a diuretic, anthelmintic, anti-depressants. They are used instead his corn, acne, is used as a cosmetic sredstvo.Raspoznavanie. Nearly flawless radioactive method is based on intensive accumulation of radioactive phosphorus melanoma. cytological examination can be used in the presence of a surface wound, in which producing prints. Aloe belongs to the lily family. The best known species - Aloe Vera grow in our homes and in the Caucasus, Crimea and Central Asia, a relatively small and very rare mupirocin no prescription plant cultivated. Hence the name "agave" (blooms once every hundred years). Number one hundred - very "round", attractive and impressive way. In fact, Aloe flowers once every 5-6 years. In the greenhouse, Botanical Garden New York\'ve seen some flowering plants. One of the flower looks like a pastel-colored little tiger lily. At home, in the south and tropical Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the islands of Madagascar and Socotra, some species of aloe reach a height of 18 meters and looks like real