Postal employees kicked a deaf woman out because they didn't want to communicate by writing. I wonder? Probably this PO used to hire deaf people before they are all gone. They hate Deaf???? This seem made sense. Something WRONG there. - added 03/25/2015 - by Colleen Simsa What? Why did PO employees not kind or help others?? Unbeliever. This deaf...
Ferguson Grand Jury Decision
Updates starting with the grand jury decision on the killing of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson....
Police Beat Deaf Man
A deaf man was beaten by police officers after being pulled over. In his age, his body might not feel when he hits or not while his driving because of his diabetic or stroke. My grandfather had the stroke and he could not feel anything on right side. It is very important to care when a police officer noticed any...
European Probe Lands on Comet
The European Space Agency successfully landed a probe on a comet, but there were issues....