Category Archives: News: United States

New Jersey Analyzes Red Light Cameras

Cameras on traffic lights in New Jersey appear to reduce the number of accidents. Its about 5 years ago in Salt Lake City, Installed cameras one year later Gov removed, Why, People live in Utah upset camera and said they will not vote gov. Gov dont want loose jobs want keep people vote them again plus Utah rent Az cost...

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Study Predicts Megadrought

Between the years 2050 and 2099, a megadrought is predicted for some areas of the USA. A lot of this we have brought on ourselves by the awful smog we have produced during the Industrial Revolution up to now. Chemical and oil spills do not help and forest fires have helped deplete our resources all because of the human race....

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Atlanta Snowstorm Causes Major Traffic Snarl

Drivers were stranded when a storm hit the Atlanta area. Originally published in 2014. Yes. All modes of transportation and most city and state institutions were shut down, including postsecondary education. It was horrible. Thank God for the National Guard!! - added 02/11/2014 - by kslowery I knew there was a storm, but didn't realize how bad it was for...

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