Category Archives: News: Odd News

Dog Saves a Human Life

A man with type II Diabetes was saved by his dog....

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Guy Crashes Civil Rights Museum

A sleepy guy picked the wrong place to get some sleep....

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Woman Pulled Over For Not Cleaning Windshield

A woman was driving a snow covered car, and was pulled over, but that's not what she was ticketed for! oops me smile haha suppose be warm and not warn also suppose be midwest as central states. - added 02/16/2011 - by irishlady Yes, I always cleaned my car everything and now I am free and no worry about snow...

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Dead Man Votes

A man was told by an election worker he was dead. I know what it is to have to deal with the government. Medicaid, for years, said that I was incarcerated, therefore I couldn't get medical services that I needed and have it paid by them. After 2 years, their mistake was found, and they fixed it. BUT, my hearing...

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