Scientists are closing in on the reason why passing gas can be so stinky. HAHA I won't doing that clapping my hand to say "Bravo" Ewwww!! LoL!!! - added 08/10/2014 - by deafwhitedove...
Ebola Epidemic Hits West Africa
Countries will be meeting to discuss the Ebola epidemic. wow it is really very sad. hope they will do somethings sooner. - added 07/14/2014 - by vickie3292...
Drastic Drop in Teen Birth Rate
Birthrates for teens and other groups have dropped, and increased for older women....
FDA Regulates Tanning Beds
The FDA has cracked down on tanning beds. thanks for not using tanning bed; under 18 yrs old. - added 06/11/2014 - by yumaaz1981 Just simple to STOP selling the tan beds to any places. I do not understand why FDA allow those products on the market ? - added 06/06/2014 - by Dottie86...