Cassie decides to take a break on an outing with her aunt. Oh no! I can perfectly understand how scared you were and totally embarrassed! I once went into a wrong car before. I know that feeling. 🙂 - added 12/22/2011 - by kat10gro...
Cotton Candy!
Everyone loves cotton candy, right?...
Cassie Craves Chocolate
Cassie loves chocolate and would search the house high and low for it. She learned a big lesson about taking something from the medicine cabinet in the process!...
City Offers Strange Prizes
A city has an unusual contest. ahh it is so good to see Cassie on I like her talked about dog. smile ox - added 11/01/2011 - by Penny If you pay for my plane ticket, I will come with you and clean up happily. =oD - added 11/01/2011 - by Kat76...