Cassie and her Pepsi get into it. OH poor you..but really so funny story teller!! Keep it going!! - added 07/25/2014 - by tomboy< You crack me up... I am so sorry it happened to you.. I'm glad I don't drink soda.. 😉 by Sharon C. - added 07/24/2014 - by sissy57 I like your expression - eye have...
Window Pains
Cassie has problems with a car window. That happens to me all the time, only I do it to myself 🙂 - added 10/19/2012 - by bethyroonie...
Check Your Shoes!
Cassie learns why her mom wants her to check her shoes. So funny! Now I am a mom and I tell my daughter same thing... she doesn't do it either! Funny story. - added 05/09/2012 - by GraceM...
Elephant Ride
Cassie's day at the circus....