
Laid-Off Workers Attack Boss

Some workers angry about being laid off attack an executive at the company. Shane Bennett from Salt Lake City, Utah, I really happy you founder program for ASL NEWS That really helpful understand what news going on. Most of time I reading newspaper, TV news and etc... I dont understand and lot of hard words. Mary telling news and my...

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Kindergartener Gets in Trouble over Toy Gun

A 5-year-old brought a tiny (really tiny) toy gun on the school bus. That's quite funny and pretty ridiculous! - added 06/11/2013 - by violetteloiv...

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Three Students Killed in North Carolina

Three Muslim students were shot to death by a neighbor. Yes indeed very sad, that this tragedy had to happen Is even more sad that people do not respect other people, no matter who they believe in or how they look like, I can't swallow that that had to happen for no reason Only God knows why this kind of...

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