Not a joke, but a funny, true story told to Tom. One day a woman decided to cook her first Thanksgiving meal for her family, instead of going out. An hour after the turkey was in, smoke was coming from the oven. She raced to the oven, and turned it off, and waited for the smoke to clear. When she...
About: Admin
Recent Posts by Admin
Making Dinner with Bill Ramsey
Presidential Elections: How the Electoral College Works
Wrong Person Elected
Recent Comments by Admin
- May 14, 2021 on Supreme Court Deletes Voting Rights Act
- December 4, 2020 on Moose Stuck in Tree
- October 25, 2019 on Traces of Chocolate Found on Mayan Plates
- October 24, 2019 on Monster Movie – Cassie Simmons
- October 2, 2019 on Chilean Miners Rescued